Friday, October 31, 2008

Audrey’s first update

Audrey's Update

October 31, 2008

Hello and welcome to the first edition of 'Audrey's Update', a monthly publication covering newsworthy events in my first year! Hope you enjoy it!

I had a lot of new experiences this month, but the big event was…drum roll please… being born! I was introduced to the world exactly four weeks ago, October 3, 2008. It was an amazing experience; it brought tears to my eyes. To moms and dads too, although I think moms were tears of pain, and dad was thinking about the college fund he'd be starting. Regardless, I was born into a family full of love and so far everyone's having fun but Maya! I'm pretty sure she'll come around though. She loves me; she just doesn't know it yet.

Since birth, there have been many exciting things happening. Too many to count - so I'll just list the big ones here:

  • I learned to nurse (and I'm REALLY GOOD at it)

  • My first sponge bath and my first tub bath

  • Family visitors! Two grandmas, a grandpa, two aunts, and my cousin Ryan

  • Trips to Flatirons mall (You HAVE to come – plenty of baby stores!)

  • Friday lunches with dad in Boulder's Scott Carpenter Park

  • Walks around our neighborhood with mom and Maya

  • My first hike – Chautauqua Park (Mom and dad heard sounds that could have been a baby bear cub. Since dad was carrying me, he sent mom ahead to check it out – turned out to be a bunch of kids playing hide and seek.)

  • I lost my umbilical cord stump

  • My first Halloween party – Dad went as a 'chick magnet' and mom and I were chicks

  • Spitting up – every so often, I spit up VOLUMES of milk, and it's usually right after I eat. Just making sure the parents get good at cleaning couches, jackets, car seats, futon covers, blankets, sheets, rugs…

  • I met my daycare provider Wendy, and fell asleep in her arms right away. I think we'll get along great!

  • Tummy time – when mom lays me on my tummy, I can lift my head up a little!

  • Tracking - I can follow objects with my eyes and can even focus on faces – sort of.

  • My first 'well baby' visit. I was GREAT for the nurse, and TOTALLY CRANKY for the pediatrician. Mom asked about spitting up and he wasn't concerned at all because I'm gaining weight. I also had my heel pricked during that visit. Mom was holding me and felt really bad when I cried. As she very well should have.

  • Cloth diapers – I use these during the day, and we do disposables at night. We figure, better to be semi-green than not green at all, right?

  • My first trip to the library – I got a welcome baby packet with a free book and a t shirt! AND mom's going to take me to story time soon (stay tuned next month and I'll tell you all about it!)

  • Sleeping unswaddled! This doesn't happen very often, but when it does my FAV thing is to cover my face with my hands. Yes, I can still breathe.

  • New this week: Pacifier AND bottle – I dig 'em!

  • Also new this week: No more alarms! I cry really loud at night when I'm hungry so mom doesn't need to set her alarm to feed me!

Well that concludes my first update. Glad you could read about my fun experiences. For those of you I've met, I miss ya! For those of you I haven't met, I hope to meet you soon!

Mom, dad and I send you our love,

-Audrey Ellen


Mrs. Clark said...

Hooray!!! I'm so glad you're blogging!! She's beautiful and I am so happy for you guys and I can't wait to meet her!!

Marie said...

Yay, thanks Rachael! I so need to call you. Hope you're having a good thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Wow, how funny and sweet and cute! I need to kiss that baby in person!! I am thinking of a picture we took of little Marie with some baby chicks. Their little sharp feet hopped up on your little leg and scared you! I felt so bad! Love yous guys!