Thursday, August 28, 2014


Day One

...and just like that, it begins.  Audrey started Kindergarten Tuesday, August 26th.  Look how excited this girl is!  Wants to be a hairstylist, and already making fashion waves and garnering compliments this week with a 'messy headband' look.  

Day Three.  Messy headband.

After her first day, she said the best words a parent could hope to hear out of their little girl "It was fun!"  YESSS!  We know Audrey is on the introverted side, and since she has an October birthday she's one of the older children in Ms. Roger's class.  Great decision on our part to wait.  She just missed the cutoff last year.  So far so good:  Joined at the hip to a classmate named Lila.  Excited to tell us all about her day.  Opinionated about what she wears.  And may I not forget - grumpy and tired and working through this change once she's home for the day.  There've been extra tears and time outs and sister fights too. 

During play at home all week it's been, "let's play school!"  Neve gladly joins in this new and exciting game.  Throughout the day Audrey tells random stories.  "Today Ms. Rogers said 'All eyes on Ms. Rogers' and some kids said, 'Who's Ms. Rogers?' and she said 'I am!'" and "There's a rule at school 'No hats'" and "After 100 days we are going to have a party so we put a straw in a jar every day and I already know that we are on day three".  These stories erupt all day long and I love it.

Did I cry?  Surprisingly not yet (mom, you say tears are coming and I'm sure they will when I least expect it.)  We're just all adjusting and maybe it will hit us soon that we now have a school aged child and I have to get kids ready for school every day by 7:40 and we're all out the door and this new routine is permanent and it's only a matter of time until she's visiting colleges and getting her first job (at Supercuts?) and a man comes along asking Graham's permission for her hand and then I'm a grandma and God help us.  It begins.

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